What’s Happening This Week

30th September- 4th October 2019 This week CoRMSA and its member organisations are organizing and apart of various activities and events in forwarding our mandate to promote and protect the human rights of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in South Africa. These include: 01 October 2019 Abigail Dawson and Muluti Phiri are attending an urgent

Heritage Day Press Statement: Embracing asylum seekers, refugees and migrants

For Immediate Release:                                                                                                                              24 September 2019. Heritage Day Press Statement: Embracing asylum seekers, refugees and migrants The month of September is commemorated and celebrated as the National Heritage Month.                 24th September in South Africa is National Heritage day, where South Africans celebrate their culture and the  diversity of beliefs and traditions in a wider context of

Press Statement: Mandela Day 2019

Press Statement For immediate Release:  18 July 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                       ‘To all those who walk the long road to freedom’ 18 July 2019 in South Africa and around the globe, is a pivotal point of reflection: 25 years into South Africa’s democracy and Nelson Mandela Day, observing and commemorating one of many people who led South

Press Statement: Youth Day 2019

Press Statement  For immediate Release:                                                                                                                                                            16 June 2019. “Refugee and Migrant Youth Are Youth Too – Says CoRMSA”  June 16this South Africa’s Youth Day in commemoration of the 1976 Soweto Youth uprising. On this day, thousands of students from Soweto protested in defiance to Bantu Education, which institutionalised Afrikaans as a medium of instruction

Press Statement: Mr President: Condemn Xenophobic Violence in Durban Kwa-Zulu Natal  – It is Your Fault.

Press Statement                                                                                                                                                   28 March 2019. For Immediate release: Mr President: Condemn Xenophobic Violence in Durban Kwa-Zulu Natal  – It is Your Fault. On the 25thMarch 2019 the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development launched the National Action Plan (NAP) to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerances. This comprehensive policy document provides measures